Some of my favorite resources for exploring your faith and the role it has in your life…

Hello Mornings - great for bible studies and her motto is God.Plan.Move.  She created the 3 minute morning - to start your day with God in just 3 minutes. - sign up to get daily verses in your email box download the youversion app for daily verse, devotionals, bible plans you can sign up to do (monthly, weekly, etc.). Build a community with your friends on this app and do bible plans together! great daily devotionals in your mailbox each day

For workouts in faith and fitness:

subscribe to for a monthly donation of $10- $20 you can have access to hundreds of live, faith-filled workouts

follow me on social media for my class schedule and to join my live, online workouts!

Podcasts I listen to:

revelationwellness - workouts, teachings, and guided christ-centered meditation

jesus over everything  

Don't mom alone Interviews and inspiration for leading your family in Christ

Weekly Homily by Father Mike Schmitz - love this one! 

Book I'm reading right now!

Look Great, Feel Great: 12 Keys to Enjoying a Healthy Life Now, by Joyce Meyer.

Other Favorites:
Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose, by Matthew Kelly
Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly