What day is it?
Hi friends!
The holidays are here and man did they arrive like summer never happend! I don't even know what day it is anymore - the days just keep passing by!
I used to stress out to the max about Christmas. And up until just last year, I dreaded them. I hated the shopping, the spending, and all the obligations that came with Christmas. But last year I made a promise to change. To not worry about what to buy people, how much to spend, and just to enjoy the process of decorating, shopping, choosing the gifts, and just being really present to enjoy the coming of Jesus. This year I'm doing better than last year and I know it will only get better each year.
So, how can we combat the stress and mindless eating during the holidays? SELF-CARE. Even if only for a few minutes a day. To me, self care is quiet time, prayer, rest and exercise. The first thing to go when we get busy is exercise. I challenge you this season to not give into that voice that says “I have too much to do and can’t exercise”. Even if you just exercise for 10 minutes 3 times a week, you’ll feel so much better about yourself. And your mind, body, and spirit will be able to handle all that has to get done this holiday season. When we lose our peace, we lose our joy. And then the enemy gets the best of us. We have to fight against what the world tells us is enough, what is good and what we need. We have to fight for the time to keep our peace and joy. If we don’t take the time, it will be taken from us with all of the things we have to do. So, remember to fit in just a few minutes of self-care each day.
And here 7 Steps to help you enjoy the holiday parties without obsessing and over-indulging:
Step One: The outfit for the holiday party
Before you even head to the party think about what you have in the closet that will make you feel confident, comfortable, and good about yourself. Don’t worry about what everyone else might be wearing. Only think about what will make YOU feel good. If you are “overdressed” or “underdressed” who cares? You are free to be you. If this also means you want to go out and purchase an inexpensive top to go with your favorite pants or skirt, go for it.
Step Two: Mindset and Affirmation.
A few days before or on the day of the party, start repeating positive affirmations that will put you in the right mindset. Tell yourself:
I am healthy and strong right now.
I don’t overeat because I know it doesn’t make me feel good.
I eat what I really want and stop eating BEFORE I get full.
I look amazing and feel amazing because I am wearing something that makes me feel confident, comfortable and happy.
I will eat and enjoy the foods I really want to eat with no guilt.
I will have a great time enjoying the people I will be celebrating with.
Step Three: Craving.
On the way to the party ask yourself, what foods am I craving? What do I really feel like eating? Meat? Seafood? Carbs?
Step Four: Evaluate. Eat. Return.
Evaluate the table. Look at all the choices. And ask yourself, what do I really want to eat? Do I want crunchy foods? More carbs than protein today? Or do I want to try a little bit of everything?
We usually get overwhelmed by all the food and everything looks so good! But normally, when I first think about what I really feel llike eating and what I'm craving, I tend to only take the foods I really want to eat no matter the amount or what it is. I rather eat what I really want than eat the things "I should eat" (like veggies) and then only end up overeating because I went back for more of the foods I originally wanted.
So, take a little bit of the foods you want and decide whether you want more of those foods, or want to try other foods on the table? Or did you really enjoy the mashed potatoes so you want more of that instead.
Go back for more!
Step Five: Check in with yourself.
Eat slow and enjoy the food and check in with your body every so often. Notice that when your no longer really tasting the food, it's because you're already full. When you start to feel full, stop and give yourself permission to get more food when you feel hungry again.
Step Six: Wait.
Wait for dessert. Take time to wait and get hungry again. Then eat all the dessert you want. Or go back for the savory foods. Sometimes I want more of the appetizers rather than the dessert. I have found that I love to eat the small bites instead of having sweets.
Step Seven: No regrets.
Enjoy the parties, the food, the people. Don't feel guilty about the food. Don't say, after this holiday season I need to go on a diet. Don't get up and use exercise as a form of punishment for what you ate the previous night. Don't fast the next day (unless you don't feel well and feel called to do a fasting prayer), because you consumed too many calories These limited beliefs, thoughts, and fears will only trigger a "all or nothing" mentatlity, which hinders you from having a healthy lifestyle.
My friends, I hope you can find peace in the craziness of this season. Listen to happy Christmas music, enjoy this time and be present. We never know when it will be our last.