Tomorrow is "Ditch Your Resolution Day". Really?
I had no idea January 17 is now "Ditch Your New Year's Resolution Day". I mean, really? So a "day" has been created to commemorate how fast the average person abandon's their New Year's Resolution?! That's encouraging huh? Geez. If we need encouragement, it's definitely not going to be found on the internet or social media, my friends. SMH.
Anyway. I digress.
Last week, I wrote about how I don't set resolutions. I now set intentions. I pray and wait for the Lord to bring me a word and intentions for the year (last week's post). So, today I had to write to you (#mytribe) to encouarge you to keep going. Keep going with whatever it is your trying to improve, organize, or do. Don't let the statistics or media effect your intentions.
I heard on the radio a couple of weeks ago that some people set a goal for each month of the year. So this month your goal could be to increase your water intake. And that would be your main focus. Then the next month you could focus on eating more vegetables. The next month could be getting up 10 minutes earlier every day for prayer time. And so on. I like this idea, because we're not trying to do ALL the things (buy healthier food, drink more water, get in more prayer time, get more rest....and the list goes on!) ALL at once. This is why most people "ditch" their resolutions by the end of January - because they try to do an overahaul and it's exhaustiing. Their body and mind rebels. But slow steps can lead to bigger, lasting results.
An example: I've had a mental list of a ton of things I want to get done in the house (clean out my closet, clear out and organize the shoes in the basement entry way, clean my utensils drawer, and more) and every weekend I felt like a failure because I didn't get to them. So, this week I decided to make a list of things I could get done within less than an hour and dedicate one task to each day. Tuesday I organized and cleaned out the shoes in the entry way - it took 15 minutes. Yesterday, I cleaned the utensils drawer (yes, the utensils gets dirty and dusty in there! haha.). And that took me less than half hour. These are small victories, but I feel great. When things get messy and disorganized it affects us. I definitely won't always get to what I intend (notice how I didn't mention Monday?), but hey, if I get the little things done, then it's no longer in my brain tearing me down, making me feel unaccomplished.
Small victories are ok. Celebrete them and keep going. Don't ditch your intentions. You got this and you're doing a great job.
2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.