It's Summer and I don't want to get up.
I’m sorry I’ve been MIA!
It’s been a crazy few weeks but I’m back!
So, yesterday I woke up and did NOT want to work out. It’s hard getting up early when everyone else in the house gets to sleep in, now that it’s summer. Although I'm an early riser, during the school year everyone has to be up early so getting up at 5:00am isn’t so bad. Now that’s it’s summer and I don’t have to be up AS EARLY, I’m struggling with getting up early at all. But it’s the only time I have available to have my Bible time and get my workout in. If I don’t get up early, then both of these things fall by the wayside.
So, right now, I’m struggling. Yesterday, I forced myself to get up (later than I wanted, of course!) and I started my day as I always do - reading the daily bible verse in the Youversion Bible App. And there it was. Right in front of me. Hebrews 12:11. It spoke so much truth to me.
It says:
“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” ~ Hebrews 12:11 (ESV)
Boom. I was like, wow. This verse is for me today. God was speaking to me.
He was saying, "yes, Sandra, the discipline of getting up early each and every day (sacrificing comfort and sleep) is not always easy, but it will harvest growth, and you will yield much fruit". And I listened to Him.
My discipline will not only make me stronger physically, but spiritually. I can’t give in to Satan’s trap of wanting to keep me in bed instead of doing what makes me healthy - mind, body, and soul, and ultimately, a happier person. I have to continue fighting the temptation to stay in bed and stay disciplined. The discipline will bring me to a place of where I want to be in my spiritual health and in my physical health. Not to a specific dress size, but just feeling great, with energy and love for my kids, husband, and those around me. When I start my day with the Lord and exercise, I am love. I am joy. And I want to keep that feeling.
And you know what? I didn’t go crazy in my workout yesterday. I just did some walking and weights. But it was SOMETHING, and it made me feel good. And I didn’t read a whole bible chapter, but I did my devotional. And again, it was something.
So, just do something. And keep pushing. Create the discipline. You will be trained by the discipline, harvesting growth within yourself and bearing much fruit to others.
Reflection: What area of your life do you need to train more discipline? What small action can you take toward that discipline? (Believe me, it doesn't have to be a huge time commitment!)